Resolve Connection Issues in Windows Admin Center

Managing your Windows Server instances seamlessly across on-premises, Azure, and different cloud environments is one of the key functionalities of Windows Admin Center. However, many users encounter frustrating connection errors that can disrupt their work. In this guide, we’ll delve into troubleshooting various connection issues, such as:


This site/page can't be reached

Can't connect securely to this page

You are not authorized to view this page

Resolving Windows Admin Center Connection Errors

Let’s explore these common connection errors in detail and provide effective solutions for each.

1. Microsoft.PowerShell.LocalAccounts Error

This error occurs when the PowerShell module cannot be loaded due to potential changes to the default module path. Follow these steps to resolve it:

Check your PSModulePath environment variable to ensure that it includes:


To fix the issue, execute the following command in an elevated PowerShell session:

[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PSModulePath","%SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules;"+ ([Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PSModulePath","User")),"User")

2. This Site/Page Can’t Be Reached

Encountering a “can’t be reached”error? Here’s a quick checklist to resolve it:

  • Check if Windows Admin Center is running: Look for Desktop/SmeDesktop.exe in Task Manager under Services. Restart it if it’s not running.
  • Browser Compatibility: Ensure you are using Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome, as other browsers may present compatibility issues on earlier Windows versions.
  • Update Client and Server: If installed as a gateway, ensure both the client and server are consistently updated. Look for ServerManagementGateway/Windows Admin Center in Task Manager.
  • Test Network Connection: Run the following command to check the network connection:
  • Test-NetConnection -Port <port> -ComputerName <gateway> -InformationLevel Detailed
  • Replace `` and `` with suitable values for your environment.

For Windows 10 versions prior to 1703, the compatibility with Windows Admin Center may be limited, necessitating an upgrade or the use of Google Chrome. Additionally, verify that the Windows Remote Management (WinRM) service is operational. Set its startup type to Automatic if it’s stopped.

3. Can’t Connect Securely to This Page

This issue may arise from outdated TLS security settings. To troubleshoot, follow these steps:

  1. Backup the Registry: Ensure you have a backup for potential restoration.
  2. Open Registry Editor: Navigate to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HTTP\Parameters.
  3. Create New Entries: Right-click and select New > DWORD (32-bit) value.
  4. Name it EnableHttp2Cleartext, setting its value to 0.
  5. Create another value named EnableHttp2Tls and set it to 0.

After that, restart your machine and check if the issue persists.

4. You Are Not Authorized to View This Page

If you receive this message, a couple of actions may remedy the error:

  • Browser Cache: Clear your browser’s cache to eliminate any stale data.
  • Use Correct Certificate: Ensure you choose the Windows Admin Center Client certificate upon launching the application.
  • Consider Reinstalling: As a last resort, uninstall and reinstall the Windows Admin Center if problems persist.

Common Errors Regarding Private Connections

The “connection is not private” error typically relates to SSL certificate issues. This may stem from:

  • Using a self-signed certificate, leading browsers to flag security warnings.
  • Expired SSL certificates that require renewal.
  • Improperly configured certificates in Windows Admin Center.

Installing a valid SSL certificate from a trusted vendor often resolves these issues significantly.

Restarting Windows Admin Center Service

To restart the service, access the Services app, locate Windows Admin Center, right-click it, and select Restart. This action can remediate many connection-related challenges.

Additional Insights

1. What should I do if my Windows Admin Center is not responding?

Try restarting the Windows Admin Center service from the Services app. Additionally, check your system resources and any network settings that may be causing interference.

2. How can I verify that my SSL certificate is installed correctly?

You can check the certificate installation by navigating to the Certificate Manager in Windows. Ensure the certificate is in the right store and has not expired.

3. If I clear the browser cache, will I lose any saved settings in Windows Admin Center?

Clearing the cache primarily removes stored website data. However, it’s advisable to note down any essential settings or configurations before doing so, just to be safe.

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